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Hummingbird Bakery Oat and Raisin Cookies.

I've just baked a big batch of Hummingbird Bakery Oat and Raisin Cookies and am now trying to convince myself that as oats reduce cholesterol, they will counteract all the butter in them!  

These are really delicious cookies and very easy to make, as I'm discovering all the Hummingbird recipes to be.  They're made with half soft dark brown sugar and half caster sugar along with the butter,cinnamon, wheat flour, oats and raisins, plus a drop of vanilla extract.    

The recipe, which you can find of page 137 of The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook, or link to here, is for twenty biscuits.  As usual generous with sizes, my batch made fifteen very large ones.  It's a lot of cookies...they won't last long, but I think next time I would probably make up a third of the quantity, purely because they are so delicious and my clothes are getting a bit tight and I don't want to go up another dress size!!

I would definitely rate this recipe a 10/10 for ease and results.

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