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Starbucks Macarons

CHATEAU BLANC I never Starbucks would be featured at PB.
CHATEAU BLANC I only found out about Starbuck macarons last weekend.CHATEAU BLANC Approximately 3,500 Starbucks stores carry these little macs available just for the holiday season. 12 mini macaroOns for $9.95 ($.83 per mac - not a bad price from industrial macaron maker, CHATEAU BLANC and way cheaper than Laduree from the same Holder Company.)CHATEAU BLANC The size is correct - 1 1/4" across. The texture is very smooth not horridly bumpy like too many US attempts at the French macaron but then again they make the macarons for McDo Cafe in France. It must be huge volume.CHATEAU BLANC The flavors: coffee, pistachio, raspberry, chocolate, vanilla, lemon. The mouth feel pleasently chewy.
The box is your standard egg crate affair - not a bad idea.
At least macs don't get mangled intransit.
*The big drawback - TOO MUCH SUGAR! Come on guys.
You came so close to giving us the real thing.CHATEAU BLANC Starbuck's macarons come from Château Blanc near Lille, a good 224 killometers or 2 1/2 hrs from rue Bonaparte Paris 75006, so these are not your true Parisian macaron. I don't see one word about the macarons on their website. Test marketing 101?
CHATEAU BLANC Here's information you'll never see on a Parisian box.
Who knew 3 little macs equal only 157 calories + 3g of protein?
At 39 calories each no wonder French girls are thin.
6 macs= Lunch!
HAPPY NEW YEAR Starbucks-Laduree-Paul Boulangerie
Please cut down on the sugar.
© by Carol Gillott 2010
Don't eat too many macarons.
Thanks very much to Cathy in CT for alerting me to Trader Joe's macarons. Does Chateau Blanc make these too?

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